Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wool type hair pieces?

I have seen people braid wool into their hair and I like the look ... I just want to know how it's done really. And is it a pain when you're washing/conditioning your hair?

Wool type hair pieces?

I have a couple of braids in my hair, mainly a combination of plaiting and wrapping the wool around my hair (like the sort of braids that children seem to get on holiday sometimes!). has a good section about woollen hair, though it is mainly for people who want the 'cyber' look. I dont know about what happens after you leave wool in your hair for a long time, but apparantly the wool can mat in with your hair, making it difficult to remove. Also beware of wool that shrinks in the wet!!!

there are also several livejournal communities, who may be able to answer questions: and

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