My hair is very long - about to the top of my hips. I always keep it back in a ponytail. It just started falling out last month. I looked it up online and someone said it could be stress. Also I saw that if you have a lot of hair then when a few pieces fall out it could look like a lot. Do have any answers to help or maybe solutions to stop it.
My hair is falling out. Why?
Hi Ashley,
Your not going to believe this, I have just come back from the doctors to have a blood test to see why my hair is falling out. It's not falling out like it typically does in men. It falling out all over. Common causes of female hair falling out is after a birth of a baby, about four months later. The other are change of live around 45 years old and on. The other stress.
The first time my hair started to fall out was after the birth of my last child. The second time was when I was told my son was going to die. The stress levels went through the roof. He survived and made a full recovery but it was to late for me. My body had already gone into stress mode.
That happened a few years back and now it's started to fall out again. Doctor said it could be Diet, the thyroid gland makes hormones and so on.
Please do what I just did and go and have a blood test. My blood test results will be back in one week. If I new how to let you know the results of my blood test I would let you know how it went.
From one woman to another take care and please see your doctor.
PS, Rogain for women does work but I found it expencive because of my long hair I needed to use more to get to the roots of my hair. I used it the last time my hair started to fall out.
My hair is falling out. Why?
Theory is you lose about one hundred hairs a get a new head of hair every seven (7) years..its normal,dont fret!
My hair is falling out. Why?
an average human loses ove 1000 hairs through out the day. 1000 2 ft long hair aint gonna hide from you let me tell you that much.
My hair is falling out. Why?
first dandruff, you may have head louse,dust,defieciency of vitamin a.concult a can take warm oil massage to your hair it will improve.after that put one towel in hot water and keep it in your hair.
My hair is falling out. Why?
Vitamin B-8 or Inositol is responsible for hair retention.
My hair is falling out. Why?
i had this same problem about 3 months ago, it turned out my dry skin was causing a bit of my hair to fall out, i went to the doctor and she gave me special shampoo to use and it grew back! just go talk with ur doctor!
My hair is falling out. Why?
It could be stress or your ponytail band is too tight, try giving your scalp a rest by taking your hair down and using a scalp conditioning treatment
My hair is falling out. Why?
From what I've read in the past...
We loose hair most every day, perhaps because your hair is so long you simply tend to notice it more. I used to have long hair at one time, and I noticed it was always falling out.
Are you stressed?
My hair is falling out. Why?
try this:
taking the right vitamins and supplement in your daily diet would help hair growth, you also need to have head massage for proper blood circulation in the scalp:
Hair Growth Vitamins
Hair Loss Prevention
Head Massage For Fast Hair Growth
My hair is falling out. Why?
At a certain age, your hair starts falling out naturally. Mine started in high school and ever since then I usually lose about a handful in the shower everyday. (I'm 25 now) It's pretty common, but if you wear your hair in ponytails a lot it makes it worse since the actual band may be breaking your hair or pulling it away from your scalp constantly.
My hair is falling out. Why?
You don't give us your age, but there are several reasons for sudden hair loss.
One is stress, another is medication or often after a surgery you will lose hair. It could be as simple as putting your hair in a pony tail with a rubber band that is too small for the hair amount or too tight. If you are of mid-life age, that too, because of hormones, cause hair loss, as well as giving birth.
So, there you go. If none of these apply, I suggest looking at the vitamins (or lack of) or possibly seeing a doctor. Good luck.
My hair is falling out. Why?
When I was 14 I had the same problem. I went to a dermatologist and he gave me a topical (skin) cream that had steroids in it so the hair would grow back. Other then that you can also go to your family doctor and ask for the same things and he made to tests to check your hormone levels.
My hair is falling out. Why?
Have you had any serious illnesses in the last 8 months or so? My daughter's hair fell out in clumps about 4 months after an appendicitis episode. It did grow back.
Also, I've heard it can fall out if it's kept tight in a ponytail all the time.
My hair is falling out. Why?
Could be stress.
Women lose hair as they age--hormonal.
Not knowing your age, I would guess it may be hormonal, but also a good theory is, Thyroid function. Have you had your Thyroid tested lately? That is another cause for hair loss.
Diet has a lot to do also.
So, here is some things you can ponder over and search out.
My hair is falling out. Why?
Jason products is a great line that can substantially lessen your hair loss. Jason Biotin shampoo and conditioner works very well. Also, ultra hair plus vitamins contains different natural herbs that will also contribute to less hair loss. I have long hair as well, and believe me I research about almost everything for healthy hair. Hope this helps you.
My hair is falling out. Why?
My hair was nearly to my waist when it also started falling out in handfuls. It started slow but kept progressing until I really got worried. It turns out that it was the vitamins and supplements I was taking at the time. A regular multi-vitamin and an anti-oxidant blend. Nothing wrong with either until they are combined. Together they caused an overdose of vitamin A which caused my hair to fall out at an alarming rate. When I stopped taking them, it took awhile to work the excess vitamin A out of my system and for my hair to stop falling out and start growing back in.
If you are taking supplements of any kind, you might want to check the labels carefully and see how much combined vitamin A you are taking. The label will give you the safe amount to compare it to.
My hair is falling out. Why?
Hair falling out can be caused by stress and when hair is too long or thick it may be to heavy fir ur head.
My hair is falling out. Why?
Other than stress it may also be the changing of the seasons, your hair goes through growing and dying phases just like plants would, anything that is living does. Putting your hair in that ponytail doesn't help either. Try putting it up with a lot of bobby pins or something less damaging than rubberbands and elastics.
My hair is falling out. Why?
Natural homemade beauty tips for Dandruf, Spiltends, Hairloss,
Hot oil massages Fruit pack for hair,- ingredients from your kitchen cabinet --
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