Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

My daughter is almost 4 months old. She was born with a nice thick, full head of black, extra-curly hair, but for the past month or so, her hair has gradually been falling out in the back %26amp; on the sides--so that now it kinda looks like a patchy high-top fade or mohawk, lol. She doesn't lay on any one side more than usual, and I try to keep her hair from rubbing out too much by laying her under a piece of satin fabric.

Anywhoo, to the other moms--is this a common thing you've experienced w/ your babies? How long did it take for your baby's hair to grow back, and was it a different texture/thickness? Thanks!

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

My daughter was born with a head of long, thick, black hair. It start falling out around 3 or 4 months old and by the time she was 7 months old, she was practically bald. Then it started to come back in and she was blonde! And she still is...24 years later!! :)

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

It is normal. It is just from them laying. Nothing to worry about and I don't think there is much you can do about it. It will grow back in time. I am not sure how long. All are different.

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

my son was born with alot of hair at birth but in his 3 mo pic it was going away now he is 19 mo old and has had 6 hair cuts dont worry it will grow back

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

Yes, it is perfectly normal. My daugher lost all of he hair, and she looked just like a little boy. It finally started to grow back about 1 1/2 years!!!! It drove me crazy waiting! I hope this helps, and good luck!!!

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

yep, it's normal. it will likely have a different texture when it grows back. check out the reference below for all sorts of new-mom questions!

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

YES!!!! =) It is common for babies to lose their hair during the first six months of life. This is because hair alternates between two stages鈥攁 growing stage and a resting stage. In newborns all of the hair follicles reach the resting stage at the same time, causing them to fall out in bunches. This is nothing to worry about, however, as the fallen follicles will soon be replaced by thicker, often darker hair.

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

My baby is 9 weeks old, she was born with a head full of hair and she's going bald already. I think its normal, its like fine downy hair that they lose. I'm sure it'll grow back, well I'm hoping it will!

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

I have to say by law that I am not a doctor and you should always see one even when you are feeling healthy, but I have heard that propecia ( which is a hair loss deformity,) can be treated That is " IF THIS THE PROLEM!) Also there is a DNA problem called Progeria. This is a DNA prblem that causes people to age at an alarming rate. A 10 year old can have the body of a 60 year old and those aflicted will seldom see the age of 20. AS I stated before I am not a doctor and I beg you see a physician ! PLEASE!

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

The hairs gonna fall out. When she gets up and starts moving around more it'll grow back in. FYI make sure she doesn't have cradle cap on top or you could end up with a lot less on her head. My son rubbed his off the back and than got cradle cap and when you get that stuff off itll thin the hair out too.

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

the same thing was happening to me, so my parents gave me a really short hair cut (i was practically bald) but the hair grew back and came in nicely.

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

Most of the newborn hair will fall out and be replaced -- and the color of the new hair may be quite different. Many infants who sleep on their backs will develop a temporary bald spot on the back of the head. Later, hair loss can occur at any time during childhood because of the infant rubbing against the end of the crib, by pulling at the hair, or by having it pulled too tightly into ponytails or braids. Spot balding may result from the child being emotionally upset. Severe illness can cause baldness.

Hair loss oftens corrects itself, so treatment may not be recommended.

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

Yes it is normal. When my daughter was born she had a head full of hair but over time it started thinning out. She was bald at about 6 months but when it was time for her 9 month pictures she already had alot of hair. So give or take a few months your daughter will have black curly hair back.

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

When my daughter was between 3 and 4 months old she lost her hair too. It was strawberry blonde and thick. Now that she is 7 months old her hair is getting longer/thicker but it has come back finer and straighter. It is also coming back blonde, not the strawberry blonde that it was. She has lost her red tint :( LOL. I am a red head and had hoped that my daughter would be too. Now she has the hair color of her grandmother that passed away two weeks before she was conceived.

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

Yes this is completly normal. It happens to most babies even if they don't spend a lot of time laying on their backs.

Don't be surprise if when it grows back it isn't the same colour, or it isn't curly, or isn't think anymore.

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

oh it is so normal mine was born with thick straight BLACK (very black ) hair and around 3-5 months she started loosing it until about 6 months then she started getting very light strawberry blond curly hair (it happened so gradually I looked at her one day and was like OMG you have blondish She is now 11 months old with curly blondish red hair.

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

Yes all my babys lost thier hair. They all had dark hair and then lost it. It started out in the back and sides like yours. It is because that is how they lay down. Just part of being a baby. it toook awhile to grow back in, but they all had blonde hair afterwards. But each baby is different.

Is my baby's hair loss normal?

It's totally normal. Most babies lose a good amount of the hair that they grow in utero. Some of it fluffs off like dead skin and some rubs off too. My youngest is almost 4 months old (8/10/06) and she has a little bald spot in the back of her head too. Each of my 4 girls had this happen, some more than others. My oldest is the only one who's color completely changed. She was born with dark brown straight hair and it changed in the 1st several months to light brown - blonde and really curly. It all depends on the parents and genes involved. I'm sure she's totally adorable though!

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