Every time i brush my hair it seems like a million pieces of hair comes out with it... what does that mean? why does so much of my hair come out, even when i dont brush it, also when i wash it??HELP
Hair problems??
pieced or the whole strand of hair? you may be brushing your hair to roughly breaking the hair off and pulling it out. is your hair damaged? has this been going on for a while or something that just recently started? are you under a lot of stress? have you changed your diet? thyroid problems? it is normal to lose hair every day. most hair tends to come out when we are brushing and styling our hair since we are pulling on it and such, but if you wear your hair in a ponytail all day, and don't do anything to it until the next morning remember that the hairs that would have normally fallen out throughout the day before are now snarled with the rest of your hair, so when you go to brush it the next day those as well as your normal daily will be coming out at the same time. if it is a huge amount every single day for weeks straight you might want to see a dr. could be something internal. but that is only if it is the whole strand, pieces are breakage.
Hair problems??
It's natural us - less you are losing the that many!!! the ave human head has over 200,000 pore for hair!!! So if your losing that many go to the Doctor!!!
Hair problems??
Its normal for hair to fall out. Especially during high stress times, hair falls out more. If it is falling out in clumps, you may want to get it checked out by a doctor.
Hair problems??
Perhaps you need to see a professional trichologist which is a certified hair and scalp specialist.
Hair problems??
It is natural to lose a lot of hair especially if you have thick hair. I have really thick hair and my hair is always coming out and it has my entire life and my hair is still extremely thick. My husband complains because hes always finding my hair in the car and its everywhere basically. The normal rate of hair loss is 50 to 100 strands per day. Also, for some women after they have a child they can start losing more hair.
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